History of Night Market
TSA first introduced Night Market in spring 2001 – a small but successful showcase of Taiwanese culture held in the HUB Ballroom. Since then, the event has grown tremendously, moving outside to the HUB Lawn in 2005 before settling at its now-iconic Red Square location in 2011. 自2001年迄今,華大夜市已有驚人的成長。從當時在UW HUB學生聯誼廳舉辦,到2005年移置到HUB外的草坪,一直到現在的紅場,華大夜市一直在擴展規模以及帶入更多好吃好玩的元素! Purpose
Our primary goal for Night Market is first and foremost to promote Taiwanese culture. The sudden appearance of a full-fledged market on Red Square in some ways mimics how night markets “pop up” in Taiwan. Its fleeting, once-a-year nature invites people to come check it out, but it’s the food, games, entertainment, and culture that make a lasting impact. 臺灣學生會舉辦華大夜市的目的在於宣揚台灣的文化傳統。一年一度的華大夜市不僅讓大西雅圖地區的華人可以享受思念已久的家鄉味,更讓當地人能夠體驗台灣的特色文化。 |
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On Campus (Tabling)
UW Red Square (look for the Taiwanese flag) Mondays to Fridays at 10:00 AM–2:00 PM |
Other Links
UW Night Market |